The Complete SQL Bootcamp

About the product
Consistently ranked the most in-demand skill in recent employer surveys, SQL is a fantastic way to increase your income and boost your professional development. So many companies today use MySQL, including Twitter, Uber, Airbnb, Dropbox, Github, Kickstarter, Udemy, Slack, and many others.

If you have no technical background, don't be afraid! We've distilled our knowledge and experience using SQL into a short course so that by the end, you'll have the raw skills to do some real data analysis for your company using SQL - a language virtually EVERY company uses. If you want to learn how to gain insights from data but are too intimidated by databases to know where to start, then this course is for you.

Whether you:
- work in sales or marketing,
- want to be a data scientist,
- or you want to build your own apps,
mastering MySQL is crucial to answering complex business problems and questions using insights from data.

The content will be taught across 2 sessions for the bootcamp, where you will be coding along with the instructor.
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