Singapore law firms

Singapore law firms
About the product
Our firm is principally managed by SKANDARAJAH who is extensively qualified and skilled in civil litigation having fought cases in the High Court, Subordinate Courts, Family Courts, Syariah Court and the Labour Courts of the Ministry of Manpower.
Divorce and Family Law
having represented local and international clients in divorce proceedings. We understand that marital disputes often place much emotional and financial stress on an individual. As such, though we practise sensitivity to our clients’ needs, we are equally professional in resolving our clients’ issues amicably and swiftly without compromising our clients’ interests and financial standing. We are experienced in drafting marital agreements, pre-marital agreements, deeds of separation and successfully assisted many clients in variation of family orders.
In a recent case involving a foreign couple, we represented a home maker wife. Her husband, being a vice-president of a foreign bank, was financially able and ready for a long drawn litigation. Our client’s reasonable desires included care and control of the children, maintenance and equitable division of the matrimonial assets which were all contested by the husband. Multiple interlocutory applications were filed by the husband to wear our client and force her into a settlement. Attempts were made to even bring the children out of Singapore whilst custody issues were being negotiated. Despite the husband’s financial strength and aggressiveness, we managed to successfully obtain a reasonable settlement for her. Our client obtained care and control of the children, maintenance for the children and herself and payment of rent, medical and educational expenses.

151 Chin Swee Road, #03-01 Manhattan House,Singapore 169876
+65 6235 9561
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