Annual Statutory Compliance

About the product
To help your company remain in compliance with the Singapore Law, CorporateRoom provides professional services to assist you with your annual compliance needs and filing requirements.

For a brief rundown, all Singapore companies are required to file annually to the two government bodies; ACRA and IRAS. Some of the annual filing requirements include:

Annual Return Filing (AR)
An annual return is an electronic document that every company must submit to ACRA for each year to keep its basic information current. The return contains the following information:

- Company Name and Registration Number
- Principal activities
- Registered Office Address
- Details of company officers (directors, secretary)
- Shareholder details, share capital, etc

Annual General Meeting (AGM)
Every Singapore company is required to host an annual general meeting every calendar year or 15 months from the last held AGM. Some of matters that are to be discussed but not limited to are; tabling its financial statements for its shareholders approval, transacting any other businesses, reappointing auditors or declaring of dividends.
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