Conversational Mandarin

About the product
The Conversational MANDARIN Course offers lessons specially designed for beginners and for those who intend to brush up their language skills. The course covers simple dialogue (with the aid of English translation), basic grammar, vocabulary and expressions, and formal introductions including how to addressing people. This course does not cover reading or writing of the Chinese characters.
In each lesson, illustrations of the CHINESE culture and customs will be presented, offering you a glimpse of their distinct lifestyle and diverse experiences. This will allow you to have a better “feel” of the language as it is used in its native context. The class is held in an interactive manner, enabling students to interact with each other and the native instructor.

Our aim is to develop students’ conversational skills such as delivering simple sentences with a vocabulary of at least 400 words. With the use of Phonetic Exercises, students will learn the proper pronunciation of Mandarin, as well as, speaking in the correct Mandarin accent. Additionally, through dialogue sessions, students will also:
-Acquire basic comprehension skills: listening and understanding
-Be able to carry out situational-based conversations
-Learn useful everyday phrases: colloquial/slang skills

At the end of the course, students will be able to construct basic sentences with proper grammatical structure through the correct use of verbs.

Conversational MANDARIN Level 1 > Conversational MANDARIN Level 2 > Higher Conversational MANDARIN
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