Consumer Research Singapore

About the product
Research informs design and services as the guiding light that illuminates all the work we do.

Qualitative and quantitative research methods are handpicked to match the objectives of the business and budget. We treat our research insights with respect and it is absolutely crucial to getting the design right and the right design.

User Experience Research Singapore:
- Focus groups & depth interviews are used to gather deep, rich,a nd personal insights directly from your users.
- Surveys (inc questionnaires, card sorting, and IA validation) are quantitative tools we use to gather insights into customer behaviours
- Contextual inquires explore how users behave in their typical, everyday environment through observation and inquiring why they do it.

Stakeholder Insights
- Stakeholder workshops are conducted to identify adn assess the goals, priorities, and requirements of key project stakeholders.

Best Practice
- An expert usability review is a quick way to evaluate a user interface's experience against academic research, design best practices, and lessons learned in the field.
- Competitive usability review involves evaluating each design with common benchmarks(e.g. tasks, scenarios, usability heuristics) as well as your strongest competitors.
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