POA Tuition

About the product

1. Simplify and Breakdown the Jargon.

Mr Chong addresses the confusing issues in Principles Of Accounts using simple Flow Charts.

2. Online Videos

Mr Chong realised that many Principles of Accounts (POA) students have difficulty following a lesson once they missed a certain critical part and they are too shy to ask the teacher. Videos can bridge this gap as students can replay any part of the lesson repeatedly til they understand.

In addition, many students often forgot what was taught. So How? Email or Whatsapp? Little can be done outside the classroom.

Therefore, Mr Chong decided to create an online school where students can easily access his POA videos online to recall what was taught. Anytime. Anywhere.

These videos which are chargeable to the public are given free to Mr Chong’s POA students.

3. Customised Worksheets

Mr Chong’s worksheets are complied from various school exam papers. We only have two years of exam papers under the new syllabus which is insufficient exposure for the student.

While assessment books are available, the student does not have time to do every question given their tight school schedule. In this connection, each of Mr Chong’s worksheets uses 5 to 7 questions to cover all the possible ways that can be tested for a particular topic.

The student need just to master the worksheet to perfect the topic. A more efficient use of time.

At POA Tutor, we don’t explore possibilities. We provide you the possible way.

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