Travel Voltage Converter

Travel Voltage Converter
About the product
Travel voltage converters are not designed for continuous use as oppose to the larger transformer which can be used continuously. Travel voltage converters also have very small capacity and usually range from 30W to 200W max. The 1600W or 1875W travel voltage converter is not an actual voltage transformer, it is designed specifically for heat producing (purely resistive) items only such a hair dryer, irons, heating pads, etc.. Do NOT use 1600W or 1875W setting of a travel voltage converter with electronic items or any items with electronic circuitry or chipset.

The world runs on two types of electricity: 110/125V or 220/240V. North American devices run on 110/125V electricity while the majority of the world runs on 220/240V. Converters and transformers change the voltage of electricity to match the voltage of your device.
USD 150
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